
The housing policy for 2024-2025 (effective 7/1/24) is available below 2023-2024.

居住生活和住房政策 2023-2024



Research consistently demonstrates living in residence halls positively influences student success, 包括更高的GPA, 校园的参与, 对等网络, and an increased graduation rate in comparison to students living off campus. 出于这个原因, 未满22岁且修满135学分的学生必须住在学生宿舍.  


Residence hall housing is limited to students age 24 and under only, and not for family members. 根据可用性和批准,波特兰校区的学生可以获得24岁以上学生的住房. 请求可以发送到hansen.hall@sotanomc.net.

Expectations for Students Living Off Campus 

  • Students must abide by 沃拉沃拉大学’s expectations as stated in the 学生手册 & 行为准则 在接待学生客人时要负责任,这样他们也会符合期望. 
  • False or misleading information shall be grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the 学生行为准则
  • Students are obligated to report changes in housing or off-campus eligibility to housing@sotanomc.net
  • 学生不得与浪漫的伴侣住在一起,除非按照澳门真人赌场官网的性别身份声明和性标准政策的规定结婚 学生手册 & 行为准则
  • Students may not sleep in vehicles for the purpose of habituating, occupying, or making other temporary or full-time living arrangements. 
  • 如果在任何时候,大学收到的信息,期望住在校外没有达到, a student may be required to move into the residence halls.


宿舍豁免书 Application 2023-2024 (包括2024年夏季)

Subject to verification and authorization by 住宅生活 and Housing, students may apply to live off campus when one of the off-campus living criteria is met. 请注意:对于标准1-6,居住 必须在邮政编码97862之内吗, 99324, or 99362 (or within the greater Portland metropolitan area for Portland campus students).

  1. 与父母同住, 祖父母(父母的父母), 叔叔或阿姨(父母的兄弟姐妹), 或者至少19岁,并且有至少22岁的兄弟姐妹住在非大学所有的房子里. 豁免申请必须经过公证.
  2. 年满19岁,与符合条件的兄弟姐妹一起居住在学校拥有的乡村住房中. 
  3. Living with a full-time 沃拉沃拉大学 faculty or staff member. 
  4. 已婚及/或有子女. 
  5. Returned WWU student missionary (15 faux credits allotted per quarter served). 
  6. 在4个学分或35天内符合会议资格,在本季度的第一天住在校外. 
  7. Having an internship outside of zip codes 97862, 99324, and 99362. 


继续/返回沃拉沃拉大学的学生必须在离开校园之前的最近一个季度保持干净. A student who does not have a clean quarter incurred one or more of the following:  

  • 违反了毒品和酒精政策. 
  • Residence Hall Contract for violating curfew/no contact. 
  • 礼拜程序不符合. 
  • 宿舍见习. 
  • Any conduct requiring a Behavioral Contract. 

Important 宿舍豁免书 Information 

  • All submitted documentation is subject to verification. 可能需要提供其他信息 by 住宅生活 & Housing. 
  • Once the application is reviewed, an email will be sent via WWU email. 强烈建议学生在获得宿舍豁免的完全批准之前不要做出替代住房的承诺. 沃拉沃拉大学不承担与开始或破坏住房合同有关的费用.
  • Supplemental documentation should be submitted with the application. Applications that are incomplete will be rejected. 
  • 在获得校外住房资格之前,每年都需要提交住房豁免申请和文件. 
  • Any notary expense is the responsibility of the student. 


  • The host must live on a daily basis in the same household with the student at the address provided.  
  • The student may not live in a separate apartment or basement apartment with a separate entrance. 
  • 租金费用, 家庭规则, or other expectations are arranged individually between the host and the student. 
  • Any false or misleading information will jeopardize the student’s status at 沃拉沃拉大学. 
  • 如果在申请中指定的时间内发生以下任何情况,房东必须通知沃拉沃拉大学村住房: 
    • The student or the host ceases to live in the home on a daily basis. 
    • The host becomes aware of concerns that impact the holistic welfare of the student. 
    • 主人意识到学生的行为与沃拉沃拉大学的期望不一致. 



Students may request a housing exemption for an extreme personal or financial hardship, 或者是医学上的, 心理- - - - - -, 或者与残疾有关的疾病.  




  • 住房豁免申请必须在列出的截止日期前提交,除非情况发生突然或极端变化.  
  • All submitted documentation is subject to verification. 可能需要提供其他信息. 
  • 住房豁免申请和文件需要每年提交,直到获得校外住房资格. 
  • 强烈建议在获得住房豁免的全面批准之前,不要做出替代住房的承诺. 沃拉沃拉大学不承担与开始或破坏住房合同有关的费用.
  • An exemption request must be submitted by the student. 
  • Supporting documentation must be submitted within 2 weeks of request. If supporting documentation is not received for review within 2 weeks, the request will be denied. 
  • An exemption request does not take the place of a 村住房 application. If the student is requesting an exemption and also wishes to live in 村住房, 学生还必须提交一份 Village Housing application during the open application period to be placed on the waitlist. 
  • 豁免申请由房屋小组委员会审核,并在有需要时与其他部门协调. Decisions will be communicated to students through WWU email. 
  • 上诉可送交 housing@sotanomc.net 3个工作日内(如需医疗服务则为10个工作日), 心理- - - - - -, (或与残疾有关的请求),并且必须包括原始豁免请求中未包含的附加信息. The email must clearly state what information is new. Appeals will be reviewed by the Special Housing Requests Committee. The decision of the Special Housing Requests Committee is final. There is no further appeal to move decisions beyond this level. 

Common Situations and Reasons an Exemption Request is Denied 

  • Not enough documentation or information provided for review. 
  • 对宿舍生活不满意:这可能是一个调整期,可能会有一些补救措施. 
  • When reasonable accommodation can be provided within the residence hall for medical-, 心理- - - - - -, 或者与残疾有关的疾病. 
  • 当确定所提供的文件不足以构成极度经济困难时. 能够在校外住得更便宜并不一定使学生有资格获得豁免. 


申请豁免或豁免的学生可能仍然需要填写一份简短的住房表格,并在财务清关过程中简要说明他们的生活安排. 房屋署会对这些资料进行审核,并在提交后1个工作日内与收到的任何表格或文件进行交叉比对. The housing form is not the venue for requesting a residence hall waiver or exemption. 

居住生活和住房政策 2024-2025



Research consistently demonstrates living in residence halls positively influences student success, 包括更高的GPA, 校园的参与, 对等网络, and an increased graduation rate in comparison to students living off campus. 出于这个原因, 未满22岁且修满136学分的学生必须住在学生宿舍.  

修读当面授课课程学分不足6学分的学生不需要住在学生宿舍. Those enrolled in less than 6 credits must seek approval to live in the residence halls. 请求可以发送到 residencehalls@sotanomc.net

Residence hall housing is limited to students age 24 and under only, and not for family members. 根据可用性和批准,波特兰校区的学生可以获得24岁以上学生的住房. 请求可以发送到hansen.hall@sotanomc.net.

Expectations for Students Living Off Campus 

  • Students must abide by 沃拉沃拉大学’s expectations as stated in the 学生手册 & 行为准则 在接待学生客人时要负责任,这样他们也会符合期望. 
  • False or misleading information shall be grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the 学生行为准则
  • Students are obligated to report changes in housing or off-campus eligibility to housing@sotanomc.net
  • 学生不得与浪漫的伴侣住在一起,除非按照澳门真人赌场官网的性别身份声明和性标准政策的规定结婚 学生手册 & 行为准则
  • Students may not sleep in vehicles on university properties for the purpose of habituating, occupying, or making other temporary or full-time living arrangements. 
  • 如果在任何时候,大学收到的信息,期望住在校外没有达到, a student may be required to move into the residence halls.


宿舍豁免书 Application 2024-2025 (包括2025年夏季)

Subject to verification and authorization by 住宅生活 and Housing, students may apply to live off campus when one of the off-campus living criteria is met. 

  1. 与父母同住, 祖父母(父母的父母), 叔叔或阿姨(父母的兄弟姐妹), 或者至少19岁,并且有至少22岁的兄弟姐妹住在非大学所有的房子里. 豁免申请必须经过公证.
  2. 至少19岁,并与至少22岁的兄弟姐妹住在大学拥有的村住房. 
  3. Living with a full-time 沃拉沃拉大学 faculty or staff member. 
  4. 已婚及/或有子女. 
  5. Returned WWU student missionary (15 faux credits allotted per quarter served). 
  6. 在4个学分或35天内符合会议资格,在本季度的第一天住在校外. 


继续/返回沃拉沃拉大学的学生必须在离开校园之前的最近一个季度保持干净. A student who does not have a clean quarter incurred one or more of the following:  

  • 违反了毒品和酒精政策. 
  • Residence Hall Contract for violating curfew/no contact. 
  • 礼拜程序不符合. 
  • 宿舍见习. 
  • Any conduct requiring a Behavioral Contract. 

Important 宿舍豁免书 Information 

  • All submitted documentation is subject to verification. 可能需要提供其他信息 by 住宅生活 & Housing. 
  • Once the application is reviewed, an email will be sent via WWU email. 强烈建议学生在获得宿舍豁免的完全批准之前不要做出替代住房的承诺. 沃拉沃拉大学不承担与开始或破坏住房合同有关的费用.
  • Supplemental documentation should be submitted with the application. Applications that are incomplete will be rejected. 
  • 在获得校外住房资格之前,需要每年提交住房豁免申请和文件. 
  • Any notary expense is the responsibility of the student. 


  • The host must live on a daily basis in the same household with the student at the address provided.  
  • The student may not live in a separate apartment or basement apartment with a separate entrance. 
  • 租金费用, 家庭规则, or other expectations are arranged individually between the host and the student. 
  • Any false or misleading information will jeopardize the student’s status at 沃拉沃拉大学. 
  • 如果在申请中指定的时间内发生以下任何情况,房东必须通知沃拉沃拉大学村住房: 
    • The student or the host ceases to live in the home on a daily basis. 
    • The host becomes aware of concerns that impact the holistic welfare of the student. 
    • 主人意识到学生的行为与沃拉沃拉大学的期望不一致. 



Students may request a housing exemption for an extreme personal or financial hardship, 或者是医学上的, 心理- - - - - -, 或者与残疾有关的疾病.  





  • All submitted documentation is subject to verification. 可能需要提供其他信息. 
  • 住房豁免申请和文件需要每年提交,直到获得校外住房资格. 
  • 强烈建议在获得住房豁免的全面批准之前,不要做出替代住房的承诺. 沃拉沃拉大学不承担与开始或破坏住房合同有关的费用.
  • An exemption request must be submitted by the student. 
  • Any supporting documentation must be submitted with the request.
  • An exemption request does not take the place of a 村住房 application. If the student is requesting an exemption and also wishes to live in 村住房, 学生还必须提交一份 Village Housing application during the open application period to be placed on the waitlist. 
  • 获得极端经济困难批准并寻求住在大学拥有的乡村住房的学生将被限制住在伯奇公寓和室友或大学工作室. 极度经济困难的申请人必须在公开申请期间提交村屋申请,如获批准, 是否会按年龄或学分被排在其他符合校外住校资格的申请人之后.
  • 豁免申请由房屋小组委员会审核,并在有需要时与其他部门协调. Decisions will be communicated to students through WWU email, following the submission deadline. 
  • 上诉可送交 housing@sotanomc.net 3个工作日内(如需医疗服务则为10个工作日), 心理- - - - - -, (或与残疾有关的请求),并且必须包括原始豁免请求中未包含的附加信息. The email must clearly state what information is new. Appeals will be reviewed by the Special Housing Requests Committee. The decision of the Special Housing Requests Committee is final. There is no further appeal to move decisions beyond this level. 

Common Situations and Reasons an Exemption Request is Denied 

  • Not enough documentation or information provided for review. 
  • 对宿舍生活不满意:这可能是一个调整期,可能会有一些补救措施. 
  • When reasonable accommodation can be provided within the residence hall for medical-, 心理- - - - - -, 或者与残疾有关的疾病. 
  • 经确定所收到的资料不足以构成极度财政困难. 能够在校外住得更便宜并不一定使学生有资格获得豁免. 


申请豁免或豁免的学生可能仍然需要填写一份简短的住房表格,并在财务清关过程中简要说明他们的生活安排. 房屋署会对这些资料进行审核,并在提交后1个工作日内与收到的任何表格或文件进行交叉比对. The housing form is not the venue for requesting a residence hall waiver or exemption.