
The study of life is an exciting and growing challenge. 澳门真人官网赌场想和你分享澳门真人官网赌场对生物学的热情,因为澳门真人官网赌场一起扩大了对自然世界的理解.

With emphasized biological studies, 科学研究, and hands-on experience at our own marine laboratory, 你将从沃拉沃拉大学毕业,为进一步的学术成就做好准备,并对澳门真人官网赌场生活的复杂性有更深入的了解.


当你在沃拉沃拉大学生物科学系攻读学位时, you’ll enjoy undergraduate classes such as general ecology, 细胞生物学, 遗传学, and philosophy of origins and speciation. And you’ll be up to your elbows in hands-on learning opportunities, 无论是在澳门真人官网赌场的一个研究实验室,还是在澳门真人官网赌场全国知名的罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室. As a 生物学 student at 沃拉沃拉大学, you’ll benefit from:

  • 拥有高级学位的教员. 澳门真人官网赌场的许多杰出的教师都因他们的研究而获得了特别的认可, 教学, 以及学术指导. 
  • 个性化的学术支持. 较低的师生比例意味着你将在课堂内外经常与教授接触. Plus free tutoring is available through the 学生发展中心.
  • Unparalleled research opportunities. Whether it’s study at our 罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室, 场 research in the Philippine Islands or the Pacific Northwest, 或者参加实验室项目,比如检查免疫系统对癌症的反应, you’ll work with your professors on original research. In fact, WWU students routinely present their findings at professional conferences.
  • A supportive Christian environment. 在你严谨的学术课程的基础上,与你的基督教同事建立一个支持网络,专注于帮助你实现你的全部潜力,并坚定你对上帝的信仰.
  • 研究生学习选择. Interested in 教学 or conducting research? 继续享受澳门真人官网赌场的精神和社会丰富的校园环境,同时你获得生物学硕士学位(一个为期两年的计划).
  • 良好的业绩记录. The 生物学 program prepares students to think like a scientist, a foundational skill for being successful on the MCAT. 在过去的十年里, 在所有申请医学院的WWU学生中,超过80%的人被录取了. During six of those years, an average of more than 90 percent were accepted.

A 生物学 degree can open the door to a myriad of career opportunities. 澳门真人官网赌场的课程混合了现场和实验室经验,同时灵活地选择您喜欢的领域的课程. The 生物学 faculty are committed to 教学 more than the history of 生物学 or a list of facts; they want to inspire you with the skills and appreciation to study life. Specific careers that students enter are:

  • 医学
  • 大学教授
  • 兽医科学
  • 口腔科学
  • 实验室技术员
  • 老师
  • 野外生物学家
  • 研究
  • Work for specific companies, including the U.S. Forest Service, the Tri-State Steelheaders, and The Nature Conservancy. 

生物科学系提供四个学士学位,其中三个是跨学科的,还有一个生物学辅修学位. If you have questions about what degree fits your goals, contact 学术深思熟虑 at (509) 517-2132.




作为WWU的一名生物系学生, 你有一个非常独特的机会获得实践经验,在澳门真人官网赌场的罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室.

The 罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室, owned and operated by 沃拉沃拉大学, 主要是为了培养海洋专业的本科生和研究生, 场, and experimental sciences in a Christian setting.

During the summer academic session (mid-June through mid-August), 高年级学生和研究生可以选择各种海洋和其他生物科学课程, or can conduct faculty-sponsored or independent research projects. 低年级的本科生可以在一个夏天完成一学年的普通生物学课程. 

Learn more about the program, rates, and applying.

生物和生物化学专业的学生有各种各样的实习机会. 过去的实习经历包括:

  • Animal care intern at Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in Kendalia, Texas
  • Working with sharks at Oceans 研究 in South Africa
  • 在太平洋西北国家实验室研究人体组织中的蛋白质表达
  • Conducting Sea Turtle research with ProTECTOR in Honduras through LLU
  • 在德国慕尼黑亥姆霍兹中心考虑microrna在纤维化中的作用
  • 与适宜卫生技术组织一起进行研究,该组织是华盛顿州西雅图的一家非营利性卫生研究组织



  • Studying epilepsy at Mayo Clinic 
  • Becoming a veterinarian eye specialist
  • 完成博士学位.D. program studying Antarctic organisms
  • Earning graduate degrees from Johns Hopkins, Texas A&硕士,加州大学戴维斯分校,洛马琳达大学,华盛顿大学,华盛顿州立大学
  • Working in international medicine and international care
  • 与华盛顿海洋实验室协会合作,对萨利希海的海洋无脊椎动物进行排序和编目

"Remember that the journey to your ultimate goal is just as fun as the achievement. 我无法表达我在沃拉沃拉大学的生物学学位对我进入兽医学院的帮助. I also thank my advisor; make sure you find someone at WWU that supports you every step of the way. 沃拉沃拉大学 prepared me to not only be a great veterinarian, 但我的生物学学位也给了我批判性思维的技能和经验,使我成为科学界的一员. Everything from my 细胞生物学 course (which to this day is handy), 生物统计学(是的, 尽管痛苦的, 这是极其重要的), 我在罗萨里奥的经历对我的教育至关重要(在我进行企鹅研究时,这是无价的,也是至关重要的). 现在我是一名经过认证的兽医眼科医生,每天与动物和它们的眼睛打交道. It's hard calling it work when I love it so much. Think big, because you are the only limiting step in the equation of your career."

"沃拉沃拉大学 was a great place for me. The Biology Department was home for more than three years. It was there that many of my most valuable life skills were learned and nurtured. I was taught to think, to observe, to question with respect, and to understand. Memorization tends to fail under pressure, but comprehension and understanding will clarify difficult situations. I was taught by the best instructors I have ever had, and developed friendships that have lasted over 20 years."

“在沃拉沃拉的这些年里,我的职业选择改变了很多次,但我作为一名生物学专业的学生的身份一直保持着. 我选择了生物学专业,部分原因是我对下一节课的期待,以及我好奇的概念将如何被更深入地探索, partly because of the flexibility that the degree holds, and partly because of the excellent faculty that make up the department. 现在,毕业后,我将带着既有事实又有概念的知识离开. 我在沃拉沃拉学到的东西让我有能力理解生命的机制,也让我有了看世界的视角."

“我在WWU的时候, I had the privilege of studying under some of the best professors I have ever had, 那时或从那时起. 澳门真人官网赌场被要求掌握的课程作业水平超过了我在医学院的一些课程. By the time I reached medical school, I had already seen much of the basic science material, 这使得增加知识和建立WWU的基础成为一种有趣的体验. 我的生物学硕士学位对我目前作为一名神经外科住院医生的职位至关重要,因为这个主题和经验的质量. 当我在WWU的时候, 看着其他学校,我很容易怀疑自己是否得到了最好的教育. 离开WWU后我发现,我所接受的教育是一流的,为我以后的一切做好了准备, and is superior to many other big name institutions."